Fantastic Job! You would never know the seats weren’t like that from the factory.
by LauraGreat price and great service. Love the quality of the leather. Better than the factory leather.
For over 30 years, we have stayed true to our commitment of old-world craftsmanship and state of the art manufacturing to create a product with unmatched style, luxury, and durability. Katzkin is trusted and approved by Ford, Chrysler, and its entire family of vehicles such as Dodge, Ram, and Jeep.
Our auto upholstery interiors are specifically engineered to meet or exceed the performance of the original manufacturer leather interiors. In fact, we guarantee it. We work with a nationwide network of certified installers who ensure your interior is installed to absolute perfection.
We back this all up with a 3 year/36,000-mile warranty and take great pride in ensuring each and every Katzkin customer is thrilled with their interior. Check out our verified reviews and testimonials to see what our customers are saying.